Thursday, August 13, 2009 5 Little Tricks For Staying Fit!

5 Little Tricks For Staying Fit!

1) STICK WITH IT!!! Remember - consistency is key. It took time to put on the weight, it is going to take time to remove the weight. You are not going to see results over night, but if you put your heart and soul into your workouts you will be rewarded with amazing benefits. You must do it for yourself and no body else.

2) Stick to a clean diet of protein, fruits, and vegetables. Watch your carbohydrate intake, but do not eliminate, just eat "good" carbs like whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal and sweat potato. And remember to EAT - eat 5-6 small meals a day, every 2-3 hours, breakfast being your largest meal of the day.

3) Drink plenty of water to flush out your system.

4) No sodas. Soda is like drinking liquid candy - full of sugars.

5) Do not deprive yourself. It is okay to be self-critical, but do not beat yourself up. If you give in to some temptation, enjoy it (in moderation) and pick yourself right back up and start again. Learn from your mistake and remember how you felt so that you do not make the same mistake twice.